Its Christmas time! To be honest with you, everything in Rosie Lee Imports is gift-worthy. Even our fab selection of delicious foods. Just for the joy of giving – there’s something for anyone this Christmas who appreciates and loves British culture, whether it’s pop or traditional. Give us a visit to see what we have to offer. You’re bound to find something too irresistible to pass up.

Grandma Wild Festive Snowman Biscuits
Grandma Wild Jumping Stag Biscuit Tin
Grandma Wild Piccadilly Biscuit Tin
Grandma Wild Dads Stuff Biscuit Tin
Grandma Wild Butter Sultana Biscuit
Grandma Wild Dark Choc Ginger Biscuit
Graces Irish Oatmeal Biscuits
Graces Irish Shortbread
Graces Dublin Shortbread Gift Tin
Reids Shortbread Choc Chunk w/Orange
Reids Shortbread Raspberry and White Choc
Reids Shortbread Salted Caramel
Reids Shortbread Vanilla Walnut
Reids Shortbread Blue Cheese Walnut
Stewarts Gentleman Jacks Shortbread Tin
Stewarts Westie Shortbread Tin
Walkers Box Shortbread, London Icon
Walkers Shortbread Gingerbread Men
Walkers Shortbread Festive Shapes Drum
Walkers Orange Royals Shortbread
Walkers Three Seed Crackers
McVities Victoria Selection Box, 300g, 500g
Fox’s Chocolatey Selection Tin
Renshaw White Marzipan
Renshaw Royal Icing
Norfolk Top Iced Christmas Cake
The Original Cake Company Top Iced Christmas Cake Slab
The Original Cake Company Top Iced Christmas Cake
Welsh Hills Dundee Fruit Cake
Walkers Strathspey Christmas Cake Slab
Co-Op Mince Pies
Walkers Glenfiddich
Norfolk Manor Mince Pies
Matthew Walker Plum & Port Pudding
Matthew Walker Classic Pudding, Large and Medium
Matthew Walker Luxury Christmas Pudding, Large
Coles Union Jack Pudding
Beech’s Rose and Violet Creams
After Eights
Gardiners Saltire Tin, Vanilla Fudge
Buchanan’s Spicy Ginger Fudge
Buchanan’s Chocolate Fudge
Buchanan’s Scottish Fudge
Buchanan’s Clotted Cream Fudge
Stewart’s Mint Tin, Union Jack
Stewart’s Mint Tin, Scottish Flag
Stewart’s Mint Tin, Scottie Dog
Walker’s Jar Assorted Toffee
Orange Smarties Giant Tube
Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles Giant Tube
Rowntrees Jelly Tots Giant Tube
Galaxy Minstrels Tube
Maltesers Tube
Celebrations Tub
Quality Street Tub
Quality Street Tin
Quality Street Jar
Roses Tin
Roses Tub
Roses Cartons, 3 sizes
Roses Gift Box
Cadbury Chocolate Eclairs Carton
Nestle Smarties Tube
Aero Festive Orange Sharing Bar
Terrys Chocolate Orange Ball, Dark and Milk Chocolate
Maynards Bassetts Liquorice Allsorts Carton
Maynards Bassetts Jelly Babies Carton
Maynards Bassetts Wine Gums Carton
Maynards Bassetts Jelly Babies Collectable Jar
Maynards Bassetts Liquorice Allsorts Collectable Jar
Quiggins Dark Chocolate covered Almond Marzipan
Gardiners Real White Chocolate Mice
Cadbury Chocolate Mousse Snowman
Cadbury Orange Mousse Snowman
Dairy Milk Hollow Santa
Cadbury Buttons Tub e
Cadbury Freddo Face Tube
Dairy Milk Advent Calendar
Cadbury Stocking Selection
Cadbury Medium Selection Box
Heroes Carton
Heroes Tin
Pureety Season Mix, for Roast Potatoes
Aunt Bessies Roast Potatoes
Bisto Frozen Yorkshire Puddings
Robertsons Mincemeat
Norfolk Manor Brandy Butter
Bettermix Vegetable Suet
Welsh Lady Ale Coarse Grain Mustard
Welsh Lady Quince Jelly with Rose Petals
Paxo Sage & Onion Stuffing Mix
Milly Green Traditional Afternoon Teabags in tin
Infinity Brand Afternoon Teabags in London Highlights Tin
Crackers Musical with Whistle
Crackers, Red Pillar Box
Crackers, Luxury Red & Gold
Crackers, Red & Green Tartan
Crackers, Retro Union Jack
Crackers, Individual, Lucky Dip
Crackers, Individual, Red & Gold
Nutcracker Family Crackers
Red and Gold Dinner Cube Crackers
Red and Gold Collection Crackers